This section of my site contains articles about the way I go about things as a footpath inspector for the Peak and Northern Footpaths Society. I've been an inspector since 2006 and I look after about a dozen parishes.
These articles are designed to complement the excellent
guidance contained in section
4 of the society's handbook. The articles are written from my personal viewpoint and do not necessarily represent
the official policies of the society.
If you are considering volunteering as an inspector, these articles will give you some valuable insights into what the role entails. They do not, however, pretend to give a complete picture. In particular they don't capture the joy of discovering new places in the fabulous British countryside.
If you are already an inspector, new or experienced, I hope you will find something of interest here.
Explore the available topics using the list at the left, or click on the Next topic link at the bottom of each page.
I welcome any comments you might have — the e-mail address to use is on my home page.